The Results Page

TGCat stores information on each extraction and the resulting data products in a set of flexible MySQL tables. The results page presents the user with column information from these tables based on the search criteria. The user may choose to add relavent display columns, sort data by any available column, link to publications, obsid information and _SIMBAD target information. Data download requests, custom spectral plotting, further row filtering and other functions may also be performed from this page


The Results page is opened after pressing the submit button on the search page and presents the results of a TGCat database query using the entered search parameters. There are two types of Tables that can be accessed from a TGCat search: The first table to appear depends on the type of search performed. In general the Source Table will be given for any query whose parameters are not specific to an extraction, and the Extractions table will be given for any query whose parameters cannot be generalized for all extractions of it's target.

The title box at the top of the page reports how many records ( if any ) were matched and returned. One row is listed in the data table for each row matched in the TGCat database, and either the default or user selected set of columns are displayed giving information on the Source or Extraction. The rows can be sorted by any displayed column by simply clicking the title of the column wherever it appears ( every ten rows a column header is displayed. Any one of these can be clicked to sort ). To sort the opposite direction simply click the desired column header twice.

Each row contains a set of links on the left hand side of the table and each link is coded by a single character and provides a tool tip eplaining where it goes. Several of the display columns also are links with tooltips describing their target ( please see the Table descriptions below for details on Links in each type of table ) Each row also has a checkbox on the far left hand column, when selected pressing the "Go" button will perfom the action selected in the radio buttons just above the "Go" button ( i.e. Clicking the "plot combined" radio button and pressing "Go" will open a plotting GUI combining spectra from all of the extractions whose checkbox are checked ). All of the checkboxes for the current data can be toggled using the "+/-" button in the header rows ( also requires javascript ).

The Extractions Data Table

The Extractions Data Table is a list of unique TGCat extractions. An extraction is a single unit of TGCat processing, and contains it's own uniqe data products and measures. There may be multiple extractions for any given source. To view the unique source information ( source table ) for a given set of extractions select the desired extraction(s) ( or none for all ) and select the "view sources" radio at the bottom of the page and hit "Go"

Each row on the data table contains a wealth of information and resources relating to the extraction it represents. Each row also provides the user with a very quick way to preview the spectral data by way of a tool tip that displays a flux spectra plot of the extraction. Here is a quick reference to the links and actions available in the Extractions Table:

Obsid Column -- Provides a link to the TGCat summary page and gives the user a quick view of the flux spectrum
Object Column -- Also Provides a link to the TGCat summary page and gives the user a quick view of the flux spectrum
limit -- Pressing "Go" eliminates all rows from the table who have not been selected
Download -- Pressing "Go" brings up a dialog allowing the user to schedule a download request
Plot Combined -- Pressing "Go" opens the plotting GUI combining spectra from all selected extractions

The Source Data Table

The source data table is contains a list of TGCat sources. Any one TGCat source has at least one extraction in the TGCat archive and may have mutiple. To view the extractions for one or more of the sources select the desired source(s) ( or none for all ) and choose the "view extractions" radio button at the botton of the page and hit "Go"

Note At present there are no data products directly tied to a TGCat source, however future plans include the archiving of combined products

The source table has the following features ( similar to extractions table ):

Changing Display Columns

The TGCat database tables store a wide variety of information about each extraction in the form of column data. A user can select to customize the information that gets displayed for each query result. To do this from the results page click the button on the bottom of the page titled "Change Columns". This will popup a dialog box that looks something like:

The available columns are organized by topic and can be selected/unselected for display by marking the appropriate checkbox and clicking "Apply". Assuming you have cookies enabled, checking the Save box will keep your preferred column settings for future sessions and queries. Clicking "Close" returns you to the page as it appeared before getting the dialog ( i.e. no changes made ) and clicking "Defaults" show only the default TGCat columns ( these setting may also be saved ) as shown in the DEFAULTS column section

Sorting Data

In order to efficiently browse queried data, TGCat provides the user with several ways to sort retrieved table data. Initially, when the table is displayed it is sorted by the "object" column in ascending alphabetical order ( even if the user chooses not to display the "object" column ). In each of the header columns there are three links that can be used to alter the sort: For example:

you searched the entire catalog ( obsid="%" ) and would like sort by several of the returned columns: first by detector, then by grating, then by object, and finally by exposure, so that for a group of the same detector,grating,and object the top most entry has the largest exposure.

First, reset the order as detector in ascending alphabetical order by clicking the "detector" column header twice ( it will start out with desc, twice to toggle ). Now the data list should show ACIS extractions first and HRC last. Then to add the grating order again alphabetically ascending we will click the link to the right of the column header "grating". Now we see that all ACIS HETG extractions appear first, then ACIS LETG and finally HRC LETG. Lets add the object sort by clicking the for the "object" header effectivly grouping similar objects under detector/grating combinations. Finally, lets see, for each object, which has the larget and smallest exposures by clicking the to the left of the "exposure" header, which will sub-sort exposure in descending time.

Download Data

One of the key features of TGCat is the ability to download analysis ready event and spectral data products. Pre-computed summary products are also available for download.

To download, follow these quick steps: This will initiate a download request and will be added to the list of requested downloads to be handled in the order recieved. There are no gaurentees to how long this request will take so it is suggested that you enter your email address and wait till a notification comes. You may also check the Package Request Queue Page for the progress and position of your package ( if your browser enables cookies, all your requests will be highlighted to make it easier to find )

The available products are split into several categories, each one or more files for any given Grating type ( An "(H)" or "(L)" after the filename indicates that the product is only for HETG or LETG, respectively. )
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